Assume you are running a fleet of refueling delivery trucks, delivering diesel fuel through the southeast. You can define "inventory locations" by state, county, region or territory. Within each of those locations are the assets - in this case, "trucks". For each truck, we can add a meter and various prompts. Assume we are delivering diesel fuel to hospitals to refuel generators.
Prompt (1) can be "Scan the Bar Code" and Fuel Meter Cloud will scan a bar code located on the piece of equipment. Next, other prompts can be as simple as "enter the address", "verify the ground cable is attached", "enter your driver number" or anything you desire. Want to download a safety video? We can do that too!
At the time of fueling your driver will be prompted for the ending totalizer and the volume of fuel delivered. If this is a jet fuel application we can even handle multiple meters during the fueling.
Post-delivery you can once again create prompts like, "please note any problems that occurred", "was the customer available during fueling", "did you ask the pilot if he needs oil?".
Once the post delivery prompts are captured just press send and the entire transaction, with date/time and a geo-encoded location is sent the fuel meter cloud database.
The database allows for the download of data, reporting, and even sweeps automatically to send data via FTP to the system of your choice.